Faith Deconstruction

Janine has extensive experience with churches and faith-based communities. She understands the complexities of upholding beliefs (about faith) while permitting the questions and doubts that can arise when theology and personal values clash.

Increasingly, people of faith in Australia are finding their usually solid beliefs have begun a deconstruction that has left them feeling alarmed and afraid. Regardless of the reason, a person who feels a gradual (or sudden) misalignment with long-held views can feel overwhelmed by the fear of being rejected if they voice their concerns.

Janine provides a secure, welcoming space for conflicted believers to discuss the doubts, contradictions and questions that might seem impossible to raise in other settings.  Having permission to gently deconstruct (sometimes lifelong) convictions can bring relief for anyone who has previously had their curiosity and concerns invalidated.

“I don’t know what to believe anymore”
“Am I allowed to disagree?”
“Will my family and friends reject me if I share my concerns?”
“I’m being told what I’m allowed to believe and who I’m allowed to listen to”
“If I tell my pastor that my child is gay, will I be expected to reject them?”

Surviving High–Control Religious Systems

The controlling nature of some religious groups has left many well–meaning and faithful people struggling with the pain of betrayal… and sometimes severely traumatised. On top of that, the procedures for discussion or complaint might appear to be firmly in the grip of the controlling or abusive individual(s).

The pressure to forgive and forget the hurtful and/or coercive behaviours may eventually be outweighed by the ache of relentless minimisation and betrayal. Knowing there is someone safe, who understands how a life of religious devotion can be hard to separate from an offensive or even abusive system, can feel lifesaving.  

Janine is committed to support those feeling traumatised or numb, carrying burdens of pain, shame and fear, as they contemplate the future of their faith.